The ICT & Multimedia training in Arua is opened by LC5

Director of Mediavision Academy together with the LC5 chairperson and the Deputy Mayor, Arua City

Today, the city of Arua in the West Nile region of Uganda witnessed a groundbreaking event that signals a significant step towards digital empowerment and economic transformation. The Official Opening Ceremony for ICT and Multimedia Training, held at the Oli Central Division Council Hall, marked the beginning of a new era for the youth of Arua. 

Mr. Nkambo Robert, CEO of Mediavision Academy, delivered an impassioned speech emphasizing the pivotal role of digital and ICT skills in addressing pressing societal issues, particularly youth unemployment. He highlighted the collaborative efforts between Mediavision Academy and the Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) to bridge the gap in digital literacy across the region. Mr. Robert expressed the hunger for knowledge among the youth of Arua and underscored Mediavision Academy's commitment to empowering them through education.

The overwhelming response to the training program was evident with over 128 enthusiastic young participants from Arua District. Mr. Robert acknowledged their zeal and expressed confidence in their potential to leverage their newfound skills for personal growth and societal impact. Additionally, he extended gratitude to the UCC for making the training program a reality, emphasizing the pressing need for such initiatives in the community.

Mr. Abdala Muhamad, the M & E officer Central Division Arua city, commended the initiative for providing professional training opportunities that are often inaccessible due to financial constraints. He stressed the importance of equipping youth with digital skills to combat unemployment and foster economic prosperity in the region. Mr. Abdallah emphasized the significance of the training in enabling participants to become content creators and entrepreneurs in the digital age.

Mr. Aldo ADOMATI, the Class Coordinator, echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the transformative potential of the training for the youth of Greater Arua. He highlighted the shift from perceiving smartphones as tools of mischief to instruments of empowerment and livelihood. Mr. ADOMATI also praised the fair selection process and expressed optimism about the positive impact of the training on the community.

Dr. Dratibi Jackson, the Deputy Mayor of Arua Central Division, reiterated the vital role of the training in fostering innovation and addressing societal challenges. He emphasized the need for practical skills and urged participants to seize the opportunities presented by the digital economy. Dr. Jackson also stressed the importance of the local government in supporting initiatives that empower youth and drive economic development.

LC 5 together with the Deputy Mayor Central Division, Arua City

The event culminated in a powerful address by Hon. Alfred Okuonzi, the LC5 Chairman of Arua District, who articulated a vision of unity and progress for the region. He urged participants to leverage the training to unlock their potential and contribute to the socio-economic transformation of West Nile.

The ICT and Multimedia Training in Arua City holds immense promise for the youth, providing them with the necessary tools to thrive in the digital age. It reflects a collaborative effort to bridge the digital divide and empower the younger generation to become drivers of economic growth and innovation in the region. 

Participants of the ICT training, Arua City

As the training program unfolds, it is evident that it has the potential to bring about a positive shift in the community by nurturing a new generation of skilled individuals capable of making meaningful contributions to the socio-economic landscape of West Nile. It is a step towards a brighter future, where digital literacy and skills become catalysts for progress and prosperity.

The dedication and commitment demonstrated by the key stakeholders involved in this initiative reaffirm the collective determination to create opportunities for the youth and pave the way for a more inclusive and vibrant digital ecosystem in Arua City and beyond. 


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