Honoring the contributions of the sustainable development of livestock for livelihoods in Africa (Live2Africa) project Through Mediavision Academy



Daniel Massamba Meboya

Corporate Communication Strategist



Kampala, 24 July 2023 – For over a month, the Mediavision Academy’s multimedia team travelled to Kenya, Zimbabwe and in Uganda soaking up the reality of the sustainable development of livestock for livelihoods in Africa (Live2Africa) project.  Using the camera to capture the broad impacts of the project, the Academy’s team created a visual ‘proof’ of something that could not be conveyed in words.


In Africa, populations gravitate towards a higher dependency on animal resources to support their livelihoods. For five years from December 2017, the African Union InterAfrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) implemented the sustainable development of livestock for livelihoods in Africa (Live2Africa) project.

The Live2Africa programme is an innovative initiative funded by the European Union which was expected to end 2021 but was granted a no-cost extension to June 2023.  The overall objective of the project was "to support transformation of the African livestock sector for enhanced contribution to environmentally sustainable, climate resilient, socio-economic development and equitable growth".


Mediavision Academy’s expertise was called on to produce a documentary video honoring the contributions of the project whose approach comprised three areas of focus: Implementation of the Livestock Development Strategy for Africa; Investment in Regional Livestock Value Chains; and Facilitating stakeholder engagement and functionality.


Andrew Tumanyane capturing videos of the livestock in Zimbabwe

“This was a very exciting task with a view to anticipate as far much as possible the project has achieved its original objectives” said Robert Nkambo, who successfully headed the Academy’s multimedia team “to overcome one of the most significant tasks –summarizing five (5) years of work onto a coherent and incredible story.  That required a lot of patience, creativity, and flexibility”.

Robert Nkambo, interviewing one of the Participants of the AU-IBAR project

Harry Kimtai, the Principal Secretary State Department for Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Irrigation in Kenya, indicated that “this programme has aided and supported our government to ensure that there is increased livestock productivity.  We will continue to support AU-IBAR’s other programs aimed at enhancing the productivity of the agricultural sector”.  He was speaking at the launch of the Regional Mobile Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTS) Centre in Nairobi on 28 April 2023. 


The Director (on the left), AU-IBAR handing over the Regional Mobile Assisted Reproductive Technologies to the Harry Kimtai (on the right), the Principal Secretary Department for Livestock on behalf of the Kenyan Government.

The centre will offer Artificial insemination (AI), Estrus synchronization (ES), Sexed semen and semen sexing agents, Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer (MOET), In vitro Embryo Production (IVEP), and Ultrasound as a supporting diagnostic technique.  AU-IBAR- Director – Dr. Nick Nwankpa; DLP- Director of Livestock production; DVS – Director DVS; Director General – KALRO; Director General – KAGRC; Director General – ILRI; EU representative; Private sector – Ol Pejeta; and Farmer associations and organizations representatives were in attendance, including Mediavision Academy’s team with a mission to capture the activity as one of the major outputs of the Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa (Live2Africa) project.


The introduction of the mobile technology is part of the European Union-funded Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa - Live2Africa's initiative. One of the main interventions highlighted is the need to strengthen the technical and infrastructural capacity of technology adoption and uptake in order to increase the effectiveness of livestock value chains. Therefore, it is essential to identify and facilitate the mainstream use of available technologies and delivery mechanisms, particularly for the dairy value chain in Eastern Africa.


The launch of the Regional Mobile Assisted Reproductive Technologies Centre story will be part of the bigger documentary film intended to capture the impacts of the project implemented by AU-IBAR.  In order to carry out its mission successfully, Mediavision Academy developed a story concept that would track the accomplishments of each regional economic community.  “We are proud to have been associated to showcase the accomplishments of the European Union-funded Live2Africa Programme to the world” said its director, Robert Nkambo. 


Capturing the regional stakeholders’ validation workshop on “developing and sustaining an integrated livestock early warning and enhancing timely action system in the IGAD between 27th and 28th April in Naivasha Kenya, launch and training of combined regional Tuli breed run in Zimbabwe from 8th May to 10th May 2023, launch of the Mobile breeding centre of excellence in Nairobi, Training of experts in the use of Mobile breeding centre of excellence in Naivasha, The second Meat Expo in Nairobi Kenya, were among the various activities covered by Mediavision Academy’s multimedia team.


Regional Stakeholders' Validation Workshop and Technical Forum

Mediavision Academy’s field team was comprised of Tumanyane Andrew the Cinematographer and Robert Nkambo the director.  Other team members included Annet Aloyo, video editor and scriptwriter, Samuel Wabwire music composer and God Nabireba sound recordist, who were among the contributors to the production of the Development of Documentaries on the Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa (Live2Africa) Project.








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